Friday 6 May 2016

06 - Edge and Contour Modelling

 For this tutorial I had to do a modal of part of a car. To start with I put the main editing screen into side view by pressing “Numpad_3”, then added the background reference image as the background by pressing “N” clicking on background images, add image then I selected the right image I needed in my files, and changed the all views to right view.
 I then pressed “N” again to get rid of the side menu. Then I started to create the care using edge modelling. I did this by making a plane mesh and rotating it ninety degrees on the X axis, by pressing “Shift+A” selecting the plane mesh, then to rotate it I pressed “R”, “Y” then typed ”90” on the keyboard then “Enter”.
 I moved the plane into the place I wanted to start. I then extruded the two vertices to continue my way around the car till I got to the back door.
 I then went around the rest of the car extruding from the vertices I just made by extruding the plane to fill the rest of the car in. To make more faces to fill the car in I selected four vertices that mad a squere and pressed “F” to create a face. I also made some of the edges smother by adding edge loops by pressing “Ctrl+R”.
 I then did the exact same thing for the top half of the car.
 After I did the top part of the car I started to fake the front. I faked it because we didn’t get a front reference image. I did this by moving my camera out of side view and looking at were the front of the car would be. Then I selected a few of the vertices and started curving the faces in by dragging the vertices around.
 I continued to curve the faces until the car started to look a bit more like a car. After I finished curving the faces I extruded all the vertices around the outside of the car to make the front of the car. I then lined up all the vertices I just moved by pressing “S”, “X” then “0”.
 I then pressed “Ctrl+R” and made two edge loops on the front of the car. I then started tweaking the vertices to make it more of a car shape.
 After I was happy with what that one side of the car looked like I reflected it to make the other side of the car. To do this I moved the inner edge of the car to the center and added the mirror modifier. I then move the car so it would look normal and selected clipping to make both sides stick together.
 Once I finished moving vertices to where I wanted them I added the modifier subdivision surface, this smoothed the surface out a bit.
 To make it a bit smoother I put the view option to two. Then to get it even smoother I pressed “T” to bring up the tools and I turned smooth shading on.
 I then started adding a few features by extruding and scaling down vertices. When doing this I made the window screen, bumper and headlights.
 I then made the side windows by doing basically the same thing but inserting edge loops to make the windows more square.
Finally I rendered the modal and saved the image.

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