Friday 6 May 2016

03 - Extrusion Move Rotation and Scale Modelling

In this tutorial I had to turn a simple cube into a funny looking shape, with holes, bumps and smooth edges all over it. The first thing I did following the tutorial was split may screen in two, and put a reference picture of the shape I needed to create on the second screen I just made.
To start molding my creation I went in to edit mode by pressing “Tab”, then started to extrude the faces of the cube by pressing “E” and dragging the faces out. I also split the cubes by pressing "Ctrl+R" so I could extrude smaller sections of them later on.
I then started to extrude some of the simpler parts of the shape. I then had to make a smaller cube come out of the canter of another cube, I did this by extruding the face, not moving it, then  pressing “S” and scaling the face down and extruding it again.
To make the hole in the top of one of the cubes I extruded the face pressed “S” scaled it down, extruded it again and dragged the extrusion downwards. To slant the edge on the cube at the bottom I selected the edge and dragged it back.
To make the smooth curved cube I first split it into 4 sections and went to side view by pressing “Numpad_1”. I then selected the vertex I needed to move by turning occlude of, and using box select by pressing “B”. When I selected the vertex I moved them so they would form a curve, I also split the cube once more to make the curve smoother.
When I tabed back into object mode you can see that I had re-created the image on the right.
After re-creating the image I decided to add a scene to it so it would look better. I did this by creating a plane, by pressing “Shift+A” going to mesh and selecting plane. I scaled the plane to the size I wanted. After making the plane I sorted out the lighting by moving the sun around, then I went to the world settings and changed the backdrop. 
I then checked to see if my camera was positioned correctly. I did this by putting the right hand screen to 3D view and pressed “Ctrl+Numpad_0” to be able to see what the camera was looking at. I pressed “Numpad_7” to go into top view on the left screen, then I moved the camera into position.

Once I was happy with what my scene looked like I went to render image and changed the resolution to Y=1280, X=720 both at 100%. I also changed the file type to JPEG. Then I did a test render. As you can see the lighting isn't so good so I moved the light around a bit.

After messing around with the lighting for a bit this is my result.

I then added some materials to my object so it wouldn’t look as plane. I did this by selecting the object I wanted to color and selecting the materials menu and making a new material. I did this for both objects, the floor and the structure that I made. Then I rendered it again to see what it looked like.

Finally I added some lines to my shape. I did this by going to the render menu and clicking the freestyle option, then saved the image. This is the finished result.

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