Friday, 6 May 2016

08 - Modifier Modelling

 In this tutorial I was looking at the modifiers to see what they did. To test the first few I created a UV sphere. I did this by pressing “Shift+A” and selecting UV sphere mesh. I then pressed “T” to open the tools menu and changed segmants to 12 and rings to 6.
 I closed the menu by pressing “T” again. I then pressed “B” to box select, selected all the vertices at the top and bottom and deleted them.
Then I added a modifier to make the object thicker. To do this I added a modifier called solidify, and changed the thickness using this modifiers menu. 
 I then added a modifier called subdivide which made my object look a lot smoother, I also moved this modifier above the last so it is applied to the last modification I made to the object as well.
 I then raised the view count on my subdivision modifier to three, then brought up the tools menu and turned sooth shading on to make the object even smoother.
I then added another modifier called edge split, what this modifier does is add hard edges to where the angles are changing. 
 I then made the mesh of a cube, moved it to the side of my other object and used the bevel modifier, which added a bevel to my cube.
And finally I added the wireframe modifier to my cube, this let me only see all the edges.

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